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The 8 Do's of Video Conferencing Etiquette
Do be courteous to other participants (name them)
Do speak clearly (go to the point)
Do keep body movements minimal
Do move and gesture slowly and naturally (and show your hands)
Do maintain eye contact by looking into the camera (and smile)
Do dress appropriately
Do make the session animated (who leads the meeting?)
Do be yourself and have fun!
The 7 Don'ts of Video Conferencing Etiquette
Don't make distracting sounds
Don't shout
Don't make distracting movements
Don't interrupt other speakers
Don't carry on side conversations
Don't wear "noisy" jewelry
Don't cover the microphone
Source: St. Leo University Office of Information Technology
Various solutions for virtual meetings exist:
Don't forget that you have the possibility to share screens, documents (ideally suited for screen presentation) and to chat to confirm comments, ask questions, share URL links...
Have a good meeting...